(icTV) APRONET: To prone, but why not to prone?

Last updated : 08/01/2016 - 36 views

(icTV) APRONET: To prone, but why not to prone?

Claude Guérin asks the question…

New study explores the prevalence and reasoning behind limited prone rates in ARDS patients

Prone position is used in almost 14% of severe ARDS patients according to the results of the LUNG-SAFE study. This rate is rather low given the results of the most recent trial that showed a beneficial effect of proning on patient outcome, a finding which is in line with previous meta-analyses. The reasons why the use of proning is still limited are unclear. 

APRONET seeks to determine the extent to which prone positioning is used in the current daily practice in ARDS patients and to decipher the reasons why it is not used. Claude Guérin discusses the rationale and objectives of this new ESICM Trials Group project in this icTV interview.

To learn more about APRONET or to register your interest in participating, visit the APRONET webpage.