
Last updated : 01/10/2024 - 121 views

What is the N&AHP Committee?

The Nurses and Allied Healthcare Professionals Committee is the representative body of ESICM nurse and AHP members. The main objective of the Committee is to facilitate the integration of nurses and other allied healthcare professionals within all other ESICM Committees and to develop active participation at all levels of the Society.

N&AHP Members 

ESICM actively encourages membership from any health professionals working or strongly associated with intensive care. Currently, there are nurses and physiotherapist members from more than 15 European countries and there are opportunities to link and share practices and experience via the Annual Congress, as well as via research projects.

Aims and Strategy

  • Raise the profile of intensive care nursing and allied healthcare professionals within the ESICM and among European nurses and AHPs;
  • Work to increase the opportunities for nurses and AHP across Europe to attend the congress and to be involved in pre-Congress activities;
  • Provide support for first time Congress presenters, from abstract submission through to presentation;
  • Develop networking opportunities for nurses and allied health professionals across Europe, both at the annual congress and via the ESICM NAHP webpages;
  • Provide opportunities for nurses and allied health professionals to get involved in collaborative research studies.                                           

We want to hear from you!

Participate in NAPMA: Nurse & AHP membership survey

We are interested as a society in the views of both our members and potential  members on  what membership  means to  you and how we can  improve what we do.

Your answers will help inform how we plan Nurse & Allied Health Professional activities going forward.

Many thanks in advance for your input, 

Carole Boulanger,