Privacy Policy

Last updated : 01/10/2024 - 1070 views


The GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679/EU), came into force on May, 25th 2018. The GDPR focuses on accountability, transparency, protection and reliability. The Regulation aims to reduce the collection of data from consumers without their knowledge and without transparency.

ESICM, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, is committed to the protection of your privacy and personal data. ESICM is committed to its compliance with the Regulation and to ensure that any third party or processor of data, we are working with is also compliant.

Our office is located in Belgium, 19 rue Belliard 1040 Brussels. Our Supervisory Authority will be the local authority on data privacy. So far, ESICM is compliant with the Belgian data and privacy protection law of December, 8th 1992. Recently, a new Law of December, 3rd 2017 and a new Authority for Data Protection “Autorité de protection des données”/ “Bescherming van gegevens” was created and will replace the former Commission on Privacy and Data Protection “Commission de la Protection de la Vie Privée”/ “Commissie voor de bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer”.

ESICM, or third parties working for us as an entity receiving the data, will be obliged legally or contractually to confidentiality and compliance with the GDPR. The use of the data will be for a specific and predefined purpose.

ESICM has an internal GDPR Project Manager and an external DPO (Data Protection Officer), ensuring its compliance with the Regulation, in order to protect your privacy and your data.

You can find more information about the new Regulation using the following link: or contact

1. How and What personal data is collected by ESICM:

• Identification data – Title, First Name(s), Family Name(s): Your nominative details are needed to properly identify you, to communicate with you, to provide you with the products and services you have requested and to ensure that items are properly labelled as yours (e.g. congress badges and scientific contributions, such as abstracts and presentations, Award applications).

• Full Postal Address: Although this is not always needed in practice, the Postal Address is needed when items will be sent to you by post (e.g. paper journals).

• Date of Birth:  Your date of birth is used to help us correctly identify you and avoid duplicate records and also with regard to specific conditions of eligibility, e.g. ESICM Awards/ NEXT/congress discounts.

• Email address: Your email address is needed because it is used as part of the login information (to access your ‘My ESICM’) and is necessary to communicate with you.  Additionally, because we only permit a particular email to be used once in our system, it reduces the possibility of duplicates.  Finally, it permits “Forgot Password” to be handled in an automated and secure way.

• Emailing Preference:  We ask you to advise us whether or not you wish to receive marketing emails from the ESICM.  This is so that we can respect your privacy regarding electronic communications, as required by European and Belgian law.

• Profile Information: We ask you for information about your Professional Activity, Place of Work, and Fields of Interest and Areas of Expertise to enable us to provide you with more relevant information and to better understand the preferences of our audience so that we can give a better service generally.

• Banking information: these details are collected when a reimbursement is needed or a fund granted,and in the case of Membership. In the case of your membership, the information is kept to allow an automatic renewal.

• Videos and images: these are used for the promotion of our activities (e.g.: congress, interviews). These data are not used for profit and the (data) subject signs a consent beforehand

• Website analytics and Mailchimp: Data captured by Mailchimp (e-mails, e-news system) and our website through Google analytics are saved and stored by these entities. These systems capture – by default mode – your geographical location, IP address, browser, device and “behaviour”.

ESICM is the controller, with the exception of trials overseen by the ESICM Trials Group and surveys. Our processors are mentioned in Section 4.

2. How ESICM processes/ uses personal data:

We will only use your information, as listed above, to execute our mutual engagement and fulfill our legal obligation. In any other cases, we are committed to inform you, or to ask for your explicit consent when appropriate.

You can find a detailed summary about the data we process and how we use it here.

3. How ESICM stores personal data:

The data are stored as long as there is a need for specific activities (Award applications, courses, diplomas, archives or promotion), or as long as the data subject is a member of the Society.

For exceptional use and storage of data (example: eCRF), you can find more information here.
All data are stored in Europe and on a GDPR compliant platform.

4. Disclosure of data:

We only disclose with GDPR compliant processors.

• Congress exhibitors who scan your congress badge: If you accept to have your badge scanned when visiting an exhibiting company stand, or by a hostess at an Industry Sponsored session, your badge will enable them to retrieve the following personal data: identification (title, first name(s), last name(s)), address (postal address and email), telephone, fax and profile information (professional activity, place of work and fields of interest).

• Group representatives and Agencies handling your congress or event registration: Where your registration is handled by someone other than yourself, your confirmations, badges or vouchers may be sent to this third party. These contain identification data about you.

• Travel agency handling flights on behalf of ESICM Leadership and volunteers engaged in ESICM business: Appropriate personal information is transferred to the travel agency handling these bookings.

• ESICM Leadership assessing ESICM Fellowship and Membership, or Election applications: An application to become an ESICM Fellow or a Member of certain ESICM bodies (e.g. ESICM Working Groups) requires the submission of a CV, publication list and, sometimes, other elements to support the application. This information, together with identification information concerning the applicant, is assessed by a leading intensivist or committee of intensivists, prior to acceptance or refusal of the application.

• ESICM Leadership assessing applications for ESICM Awards, Training Fellowships or other funding: An application for an ESICM Award or other award requires the submission of appropriate career details and other information to support the application. This information is made available to the committee of intensivists responsible for assessing the applications and giving the awards.

• IT partners

5. In case of a security breach:

ESICM takes all adequate technical and organisational measures to prevent any unauthorised access to your personal data.

ESICM has taken adequate technical and organisational measures to be able to notify you – in the case of a security breach affecting your personal data within 72 hours – as well as the Supervisory Authority, as specified in the Regulation.

ESICM is engaged to implement measures to avoid any breach of security and prevent the risk, in the event of a security breach.

6. Procedure to access your personal data and exercise your rights:

You can contact for any further information.
If you need to retrieve, modify or access all or a specific set of information/data we could have about you, or if you would like to know how they are processed, you can contact
The GDPR gives you to right to be erased and forgotten from our database. If you would like us to remove all of your data, or a specific set of data, you can contact
If you receive promotional content about ESICM and its activities, you can always opt-out by unsubscribing directly, or contact
If you feel you have a complaint, the local authority to contact is the Belgian Commission for the protection of privacy, located in Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels.

ESICM is engaged to implement all the necessary measures within 30 days to retrieve, modify or access all your personal data, or exercise your right to be erased and forgotten.



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Any links to this website and use of ESICM’s logos must be requested in writing before use. Despite ESICM’s attention and control, information included on this website are indicative, and can be changed without advanced notice. As a consequence, the user agrees that use of this information remains his/her own responsability. All elements of the site are protected by copyright “ESICM”.